Shipping During Christmas...buyers beware

At MyColdTherapy, we really enjoy the Christmas season with friends and family. What do we not enjoy: Shipping!

No matter what anyone tells you, shipping is difficult during the Christmas Season. Here is a quote directly from UPS from back in 2013: 

“UPS understands the importance of your holiday shipments. UPS is experiencing heavy holiday volume and making every effort to get packages to their destination; however, the volume of air packages in our system exceeded the capacity of our network immediately preceding Christmas so some shipments were delayed. UPS is not making pickups or deliveries on Christmas Day and will resume normally scheduled service on December 26.”

No statements have been made by the company for 2018, but we are seeing an exceedingly high number of overnight packages not arrive for up to 2 days after they were originally intentioned to be delivered. 

USPS is not doing much better and FedEx has had some serious weather-related delays. 

We know that receiving your cold therapy units is a high priority to you, but please know millions upon millions of people are competing for that same delivery time window. Our responsibility is to get the package to the delivery service. Once there, it is their responsibility to get it to you. 

Calling our customer service department and demanding they fix your shipment will not solve anything. What will solve everything is if you order in enough time. So save yourself some money by taking advantage of our free shipping and save yourself some anguish with shipping this year by planning ahead.