It's a good product and stays frozen for a long time.
I was fortunate to be given 2 of these cold packs when discharged after my knee replacement surgery. A closer look at this product revealed the packets of gel within the cold packs. Brilliant. They stay cold longer and the packets can be moved around inside the gel to target an area. I purchased 2 pairs so I'll always have a backup for my extra large wrap.
I was introduced to SMI cold therapy cold packs and pouch while I was in the hospital having a hip replacement. The first thing I noticed is that they hold their cold for several hours, far longer than any other cold pack I have ever used. I even went so far as to purchase 4 more cold packs with pillows so I can keep them in rotation in the freezer. The packs don't sweat and they wick away moisture from your skin. So you can actually have the cold pack directly against your skin. I'm hooked! We tossed out all our other cold packs and replaced them with SMI cold packs. We love these products!!
Awesome cold therapy knee wrap-my knee feels great after 20 minutes of use.
I was given the compression wrap and gel packs by the hospital after having knee replacement surgery. They truly work wonders in reducing my pain. The wrap stays on easily and is very comfortable. I opted to buy 2 more gel packs so that there would always be a set ready to exchange. On the downside, they only stay cold for a few hours when worn, but that's an acceptable trade-off for how well they do work! I've used other wraps from different companies, but this is the most comfortable!